Composer, producer
Zlín, Czech Republic
Capoeira master of the Czech Republic, graphic designer
” I aspire to create the instrumental tunes that ‘speak’ with messages for heart and soul “
Woltrax is a music composer from the Czech Republic. He describes himself as an intuitive musician and a recording artist. As he prefers to combine different music styles, his key influences that reflect on his production would mainly be chill-out, film music, hip-hop, drum ‘n’ bass or even jazz.
The beginning of Woltrax’s performance counts since 2001, when he first had learnt a program called ‘Rebirth’, afterwards working with a software ‘Ejay’ which offers an easy composition. But his ambition leads him to even better upgrade and enhancing his skills with a software ‘Reason’. Soon is born his debut album ‘My Regular World’ that is released on a label Naked Records in 2008. Then comes the album “My Hope”, released on his own label T-records in 2012 and “Gemini feelings” in June 2013.
2016 has brought the album “The Rhythm of Heart”
“I feel devoted to music since childhood, when my father taught me his favorite melody, which I am able to play by heart any time since then ”, Woltrax smiles. “My compositions blend different music styles that initiate and boost my creativity. Being an intuitive artist I enjoy bringing to people modest, subtle creation with an emphasis on sensation atmosphere”, he adds. “My music conception reflects my feelings; in a way it presents the image of my life. I aspire to create the instrumental tunes that ‘speak’ with messages for heart and soul “, he remarks.
“I wish you a pleasant listening.”
Source of this text> http://www.idj.cz/woltrax/
Woltrax, named Teo Hasak, is also a Capoeira mistr of the Czech Republic, this dance style fighting art is his great hobby for many years, he also teaches young generation. As well he is a very good graphic designer, and even co-created our logo for FreeSpiritFlow 🙂
“…I JUST LOVE MY BROTHER’S MUSIC SO SO SO MUCH !! …dancing heart, the rhythm of Life, moving soul, ease and chill, flowing of energy, gentle feelings to underline the genuine melodies coming through, dancing with the wind, swimming with mermaids, art of very own being, art that burst out as Love…”
~ Brief sister’s speech ~
when one comes from an artistic family, simply cannot go different
Teo, Woltrax, Brother…. there’s no one like him, I see inspiring musician, who has always kept following his dream.
Someone could have mentioned, that this isn’t his main job yet, but I see that IT IS:
I SEE ….
So, my Dear Brother, your bravery motivates me. I mean your COURAGE TO HOLD ON through all the ups and downs and maybe even thanks them… Also your FAITH to your uniqueness, that you actually walk your life following a rhythm of your HEART.
I wish all the best to your ´wonderful tracks´ / WOLTRAX, I wish it farewell to many great people and I wish You lots of joy while you live through music of Universe
Thanks you single tones, icons and techniques re-join in the
´Hope´ ´Gemini Feelings´ ´Rhythm of Heart´
See our interview below”:
Hello, dear Teo/Woltrax,
Your music comes naturally and intuitively. What is like the process of creation such a song from the idea to the last version of it? What does this process mean to you?
Sometimes comes the muse and an idea flows after the idea, but mostly my compositions are an art of actual mood. First I record some underlay, on that I unwind more and more motives and tools. Of course it comes with plenty of corrections, listening of details and adjusting an audio. Sometimes a track is ready in a week time, and sometimes even after a half year 🙂
~What is your main motivation and reason why are you composing the music?
I compose first and foremost because I enjoy it, and when you then see that your music is listened all over the world, it’s really a great feeling. Also for me it’s a way of expressing some thoughts and chilling out.
Many good things in life come for free. Makes different when we do see them and appreciate them in our day to day life… Would you share what kind of free and natural aspects you appreciate in your life?
I always appreciate when people help each other without expecting a feedback (something in return). Genuine good people aren’t as many in the world, and it’s necessary to appreciate them
Thank you, Teo/Woltrax, for your time and sharing
/autumn 2016/
<Family support>
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MAOK – Martin Tesák

Musician improviser, singer, composer
Bratislava, Slovak Republic
“He lets the music flow through him and does not delimit it to specific genres. Maok is open, free, living and creating in the present.”
He was born in Bratislava in 1974. He´s got three children and now living in Bratislava again.
Maok’s music heals and inspires.
He plays at concerts, does music therapy, composes music for theatre, for dance production, illustrations and film music. When he gets on the stage, he has no idea what he’s going to play, as being a true hearted improviser. Doing music for music itself, it comes straight from his heart, and he lets it flow free, whatever comes. At some point he plays also some slovak folk music style.
Resource: http://zivutek.cz/lide/107-maok,
here also wonderful samples from concerts
Maok is a musician, improviser, multi-instrumentalist, singer and composer. But above all, he is a person for whom music is an inseparable part of his life and the most distinct form of his self-expression. His unique style – dreamlike and sometimes even mystical – is instantly recognisable even when you’ve never heard the piece before.
Commenting on his music, Maok reveals: “To me, music is an expression of freedom and love. A way of conveying the wonder that a moment of creativity brings. That’s when beauty is born – beauty that can mesmerize us and open the door into the colourful and ever changing realms of our Soul. Or that can put a stop to all movement, leaving us to dissolve in that single place where emptiness is full – and which is simultaneously the pupil of our eyes. Beauty that can make us feel the pulsating ecstasy of a Heart on fire. Or that can make us embark on a journey of dance and movement, where we are at one with our body and its inner rhythms. Or we just take a nice little nap.”
more information about Maok here:
Maok in team work with editorship Zebra and Cloud:
Maok: “My biggest priority in terms of music is freedom. Freedom in every way. That is why during my entire 20 year-long musical journey, I refused to sign contracts with music publishing houses that would set all kinds of terms and conditions, tying my hands and legs with masses of obligations and interdictions that basically turn a musician into a puppet.
Then one day I met Petr Rokusek and his music publishing house Zebra and Cloud. It’s a whole different world to the one I knew before. Our collaboration is based on new terms, where the greatest significance is placed on one’s word and complete mutual trust. Trust in the fact that no one will do anything at the expense of others in order to gain advantages for themselves. Everything is open, the laws that govern things around here are those of humanness. We’re setting out in a new direction. A direction that has new rules. Rules that we all long to live by somewhere inside, but are stopped in our tracks by fear. That is why I immensely appreciate our collaboration and believe that, together, we will gradually unearth the mystery of the “New World.”
Resource: http://www.zebraandcloud.com/artists.php
ing MAOK
“Dear Maok, To sense your music, feels to me like taking full part in a presence of my whole being, like being present in woods, in a leaf, in a raindrop as well as in a rain, flying in Infinite, in a chants of Wind, Sea, Shore or in the Sun..
Orchester of Freedom
Your genuine tuning into Now, the creation with everyone who joins… so in ease, that uplifts many many Hearts!
Life concert is unique itself, yet reflection at recordings carries most of it timelessly too…
Your sharing of Good, through you and thanks you, can flow to those who feel up for it in this music way… and engaging melody with Sandra’s flow…och, it’s the greatest Healing remedy to Harmony, it’s a motivation to tune my own strings too! For all of this I’d love to say JOYFULLY THANK YOU!
See our interview below”:
Hi, dear Maok, could you please tell us, what music instruments do you play and which one is your favourite?
The closest to me is probably a guitar and a voice. But I also love whistles, piano, perkuse and many more 🙂
What is your main motivation, why do like making music, singing…?
Difficult question… something between heaven and earth.. like when you love someone and thinking about him/her while falling asleep, seeing them in your arms, you wish to be close to them… hard to say in words… I cannot do differently, and I do not want do it differently. 🙂
Many good things in life come for free. Makes different when we do see them and appreciate them in our day to day life… Would you share what kind of free and natural aspects you appreciate in your life?
Probably life itself.. I cannot separate it to subjects… I see it so linked one to another, that I appreciate everything..
Thank you, Maok, for your time and sharing
/autumn 2016/