
Photo gallery new pictures to see!

Maok, Nel the Hippogryph, Marie Bezouchova, Pavla Kluzakova and Petr Nevesely shares their photos, klick


Šumava v barvách


New profiles in Art Gallery

Fine Artists:
Aron Gadd



jo-wall Josephine Wall

ivo-sevcik Ivo Ševčík



maok  Maok

teo2   Woltrax

Free Spirit:

pavel-vesely Mgr.Pavel Veselý

market-profile  Mgr. Markéta Černocká

(Czech) Nové příspěvky v Poetice

Sorry, this entry is only available in Czech.

We are bilingual! / Jsme dvojjazyční !

From today we aim to translate most of the posts from/to czech language. Some are originally created in czech, some are originally english.

In every case we wish to preserve the unique way of expression and the atmosphere, although it is harder not to lose it in translation.

Please feel free to comment by contacting us, as our redaction is native czech speaking, and can easily make grammar mystakes.

We do care about making it easy to understand for both languages 🙂


Hi everyone!

Welcome to a web place, where free spirit flows!

The place to feel good, see beautiful things and get inspired by natural creativity from people all over the world.

Mentioning here a painter, a writer, a singer or any no column fitter…
it’s always up-lifting at its core.

Happy and unique portal as we share only a free spirit inspiration; Love manifested through us, here on the Mother Earth.

By ‘Free Spirit Flow’ we wish to enhance this meaning and some qualities>

FREE    ~
no conventions, free mind, even rebellious
SPIRIT ~ non physical, alternative, soul, heart, love
FLOW   ~ down stream, ease, playfulness, joy

Have a good time 🙂
Your FreeSpiritFlow & Nel the Hippogryph