Markéta Černocká



meet 3
Organiser of adventurous trips, constellationer



˜ Brno, Czech Republic


cooltext747694846, Facebook





~ Organiser of adventurous trips, therapist for personal growth, lector of family constellations ~

“For my living I do what’s my joy and fulfilment.


Markéta offers
pilgrimage and stays in nature, adventurous trips, trips to faraway countries, individual therapies and participation at family constellation seminars, that she holds in BRNO, eventually where else.


This is how Markéta sees her activities:

“JOURNEY and every Pilgrimage, whether it’s by walk, on a bicycle, on a boat or to abroad, for me it is always about opportunity to pass on a FREEDOM. To give everyone free space for thinking. It’s about tolerance to any opinion, a handicap, an excess.
Just by this spontaneous unsecured adventure we are led to such a great freedom, to a space where aren’t certainties, where no one knows where we gonna sleep and what’s coming next day. To stretch people through all of it. Value isn’t only in travelling, but also in living through the experience. It teaches “us west-livers” accept anything, it release all adherence, and that is already a spiritual work, just served a subtle way.
By this travelling are created deep kerfs affecting the Universe, kerfs of freedom in consciousness. On the journeys people get connection to a higher sphere, trust that they are in an unsecured and changing premises, but safe all the time. Experience of hugging the Present and experience of imperfection, that belongs to a life on the Earth, and that accepting this, transforms a hauteur (pride of souls) into humbleness of ordinary living.”


Journey to Ladakh 2016

FreeSpiritFlow recommends famous FILM from the journey to India 2013

Famous Film HERE

It’s good to know… Who is actually usually going to a PILGRIMAGE?

“To our events usually comes men and women of various age and occupation. (Usual age is about 28 – 45 years). I always enjoy to watch happy women on maternity leave, that for the first time left their child at home and they have come out by themselves.

Often are people truly surprised, that they  are  really going to sleep outside under the stars in the forest and eat from a pot on a fire. Even they had known it, when it happened, it’s so new for them. 

At many events it’s also common that attend one or more handicap people. That’s great for others! When they drag  wheelchairs by collective strength, guide blind or are in close contact to people with mental limitations, impulsively every one begins to notify the value of their healthy legs and senses. How amazing it is to go freely to a toilet and thanking that they can do so without any help. We also let us being touched by big blaze of souls with mental retardation.  And mainly all the attendants have great opportunity to practice catching sight of souls in a physical covers and stop value everything by their mind. “


Pilgrimaging Czech Canada 2013

What can people experience at such Pilgrimage?

~Games and direct contact with nature
~New friends
~Group that allows to experience feeling of belonging
~Days full of non-traditional experiences
~Unique places
~Self-knowing and fun

“It’s a combination of moving through a landscape, psychology, spirituality, movement, art, serious and non-serious games, and adventurous activities in a friendly environment. Often comes various surprises. Every wandering is a small or a bigger adventure. I link “Spiritual” with a camping in a nature..

Pilgrimage isn’t a tourism, and it’s not even about counting kilometres and visiting sights. With the help of games we listen, see, celebrate and live through the nature outside and world inside. We sleep collectively beneath the sky = in a thousand-star hotel, eventually under the tarp. Camping is often unofficial, hidden. We are wandering by walk with bags on our backs. Group has usually around 20 participants.”


More about adventurous events, with some links to videos  HERE


Further more Markéta regularly organizes family constellation seminars

What constellation brings to participants?

“Family  constellation lets peep to a core of a person and in a subconscious expose, what we haven’t seen so far. It brings an opportunity to see pictures of our own inner being and yet hidden larger connection from our family clan. It helps to cure situations and attitudes, transform old pain, let the stream of energy to flow, FEEL the power of our family clan. It brings support for changes in life, joy, grounding, widening the consciousness, more sensitivity, change of thinking, leaving the old patterns.  By accepting the truth of a picture in a constellation the life also changes.  Constellations expose hidden influences of power in our family systems and creates space for rediscovering our power again. In constellation can during one hour happen so many events, that would otherwise go for years.

Thanks systemic constellations is possible to look not only into the family and partnerships, but also for example to dissonance at a work place, money, illnesses, parts of body or personalities.  For everyone it’s a benefit to participate in a theme of others, as they often apply to us also. Intent of a client and  a support of a whole group gives to constellation deep effect. Solutions then touches everyone- Delegates as well as Observers. Guidance comes for a whole group.

This interesting styl of work is called phenomenological method. It’s simple staying in a PRESENT and its reading. In every moment I let myself not to know and with trust I wait for the inspiration, that comes in a form of inner picture, feeling, subtle change on my body or it shows on the subjects or on the people around- and then I talk, until words flow. Persona and knowledge must not be in the way, I need only maximally pervious and brighten my body, through which comes what actually should be shown to a client and to a group.”

konstel-market konstelace-v-ritualu16

Constellation at Domeček and in Rituál 2016

Something from autobiography of Markétka

She had organised games and entertainment for children in her neighbourhood already in her 10-14 teens  in her hometown Jindřichův Hradec.  After in at least next 7 years she was intensively going to various trips and she was wandering around Czech and Slovak land with a pot and a sleeping bag… She was a pilgrim around forgotten beauty of a native land.

She had finished study of pedagogic college in Brno and after she taught mainly  natural history in few basic school locally. From 21- 28th year she was devoured to an organizing work in a movement organization called Brontosaurus.

Here she is a founder of organization called Svízel přítula, where she was a chairman and she was organizing various work and adventurous events for weekends, aimed for development for people, holiday camps for them (for youth as well as for adults), seminars for agglutination school collectives, trips, pilgrimaging and treks.

Markéta says: “I’m a team “player”, I always create as a initiator in a group of people. And through us flow new games and ideas…”
She also had learnt at  Instruktors Brno.

After entering her fifth 7yrs, the life led her to teaching at Waldorfs school in Brno. Almost 2 years she was evolving in this challenging community of children, parents and teachers. This connection was much beyond the usual working frame of a teacher.

After leaving the education field she has worked some years as a personal asistent with mentally retarded Daniel, and intensively studied in a mean time, transforming, travelling to a faraway countries, back home accepting clients for individual therapies and every month has organized seminars of family constellations and other various events and treks

Nowadays in a sixth 7th years her life of creation continues.

“For my living I do what’s fulfilling me and is my joy, I create according to my inner guidance. I stand on My place and from there I offer constellation guiding and therapies. I also enjoy organizing adventure trips and pilgrimaging with people, camping in nature-by walk, on a bicycle, on boats- with sleeping outside, cooking on a fire and with a program where I also place “my” art. I join Spirit with Matter, Sky with Earth.”



Journey to Jugoslavia 2016


Markéta, as many ´free spirits´:), also creates poetics, some of them you will find in our section Poetic Flow, more Markétka herself:

“Rhymes gives feelings to the thoughts. When what I express also feel within me, it helps me to transform some stuff in me. As it is a rhyme, I remember it easily. Then my rhymes sound in me and transform me…”



cooltext749807869 ing Mgr. Markéta Černocká 

“…At your events I mostly admire that smooth organization, that flowing with a stream, and how everything has divine timing. The roof above comes at the right time, the food comes at the right time, the support from friends comes just right, power of a circle, closeness and sharing of good as well as anything difficult. As it was a sure thing… but it is as well as isn’t.. I accept everything as a gift of a present time and with a humbleness. I’ve learnt that many times from  you and your abilities. The abilities to receive an abundance from Universe and unite the Souls. You know how to interlink different worlds, take in handicap people into every action and helping participants to connect with their hearts, to see by Heart..

Furthermore I have those experiences from a constellation:

 Always very precious experience, gentle and infused with ethereal realm. I see often a deep issues and orders from the clients in a circle that Marketa knows to unite in a field of Present. (Sometimes intuitively with music, guitar, or so..)

Under her guiding I am enable to see the truth. My first meeting with Praminky was at the New Year’s Eve 2011, the benefit of my constellation I could feel for the whole next year 2012.

See our interview below”:



Hello, dear Marketa,
I assume that your events and a joy in your community of friends is already now reaching overly superb time and words are not enough to express such beautiful moments. Nevertheless if you add some fantasy, could you describe how you imagine an ideal event with such cheerfully tuned people, let’s say in 5 years’ time? What would be happening at such a dreamy adventurous trip according to your fantasy? 


People are arriving by train to the beautiful place under the mountains. We are taking them by a side-car trolley in couple of turns. A huge wooden cottage is standing on the meadow by the brook. It begins ten days of an adventure that changes those people a lot.  First few days are various games, meditations, unusual sports, theatre, music, singing, painting, creating, co-operation, all outside in a woodland, in the brook, at the meadow.  Afterwards we are off to few days walking pilgrimage over the mountains, we are sleeping in tents, cooking on an open fire, visiting force places and letting us be affected by everything as it comes. We continue with the games and creating and sharing. We supply it with a field kitchen and accompany it with a car with interesting material. For two days we sail on canoes some wild river and also we experience some dangerous adventure on the way. At last days we arrive back at the base and together we create an art that reaches public – theatre performance, concert of our singing, exhibition, game for a public or a screening, but mostly we will be PRESENT, so that shining that we will radiate, can others absorb too. 




What’s your biggest motivation and reason why are you doing constellations, and then what do you enjoy about adventurous trips, that you are organizing for many years? (How many actually?)



My motivation comes from my Soul’s desire to do this. I only give a space to this desire. This energy is strong, I feel it from my childhood. I’ve come to the Earth to live this. I do what I was born to do. I’m happy that I can flow in a stream at my work. I appreciate that I don’t have to sit at some office and do some work, that would draw me back. I can only tune what next I would like to do, and then do it. And usually along come people that enjoy it too. I enjoy being with people, creating from the insights, that come to me, being in motion and watching how everything around is changing. First event for adults I had created in fresh eighteens, as soon as I could 🙂 But I remember myself at 9, when I already had very elaborate programme for children around me. I was already born for that.



Many good things in life come for free. Makes different when we do see them and appreciate them in our day to day life… Would you share what kind of free and natural aspects you appreciate in your life



Natural aspects… touch of barefoot on the ground and sleeping on the land, letting earth to heal us.

Drinking water from the natural fountains and bathing all year round in brooks and small rivers, letting water to heal us.

Inhaling smell of pine trees or a moist air after the rain.

I often light a fire. Fire gives light, warmth, we cook on it, feeding the body. Fire pass on the warmth to the ground-to the stones. We pour water over them and breath in the released steam, we clean our bodies thanks to all elements.

And prayers to the higher worlds, connecting with non-physical beings, that help us and teach us. And sunrise and sunset and stars on the sky.


Thank you, Marketa, for your time and sharing
/Autumn 2016/



Here we share few more inspirational photos and videos:

cesta-do-nepalu-16 cesta-do-nepalu16

Journey to Nepal 2016


Journey to Ladakh 2016

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Bicycles, Boats, Families 2016




Camp for Seniors 2016







Sailing Baťa’s canal 2015


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By the Třeboň’s rivers 2015 / Improvization theatre in the senior’s house


Pilgrimaging Czech Canada 2013










Pilgrimaging to mysterious  boulders 2016


Everyone is welcome!


New Year’s eve Cizkrajov 2016


New Years Eve Cizkrajov 2016


“Journeys to faraway lands  are pilgrimages to certain powerful places. At the same time they are initiatory act. As we touch the ground by our feet, something initiates, if we had lived there once upon a time. To touch a place of ancient civilization is transforming. We let their energy to effect us, we let them talk, we connect with them, remember it again and we absorb their wisdom and memory of places.

Trips to faraway countries are adventurous and cognitive outside as well as inside. They allow to taste the lands as they are. Without travel agencies and hinterland. We walk through archaic places, feeling the sights, we touch the ground and wash a dust in the seas.

I organize those trips for a small group, around 10 people, considering sharing easy-joint accommodation , easy transfers by public transport, cooking, individual approach. We stay at holy venues of miscellaneous religions and other powerful culture and natural places. In the evenings we usually sing, share words in a circle, read about history, project thematic films by a small data projector.”



FreeSpiritFlow uses and kindly recommends: