Disclaimer and Policy

Disclaimer and Policy


Please take a moment to review these policies. If you still have unanswered questions after reading these policies, you may contact us.

The information, products, services and resources contained on this web site are for educational purposes on personal growth and personal development only and you are 100% responsible for what you do or do not do with it. All matters concerning physical, emotional and mental health should be supervised by a medical professional knowledgeable in treating that particular condition. All links, articles and the resources we publish on this website are subject to your own assessment. Any use of the information that we or the connected websites offer is only at your own risk.

freespiritflow.com (Nela Hasakova/ Nel the Hippogryph) will assume no liability and no responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage related directly or indirectly to the information, products, services and resources that are mentioned or are promoted or advertised on this site. No warranties of any kind express or implied are made.

This site contains links to other sites or third parties for education or reference purposes only. Freespiritflow does not grant endorsement or approval to the other sites/parties, their content or individuals. Freespiritflow  is not responsible for any interaction between yourself and these third parties.

Copyrights and Intellectual Property Policies
All content, information, graphics, forms, images, documents, and products are intellectual property of www.freespiritflow.com (Nela Hasakova/ Nel the Hippogryph)  All rights are reserved. Attribution is given where images or content are not original to the author of this website by listing author/artists name and/or hyperlinks to the source.

No part of this website may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information retrieval system, without permission from the owners. Use of written content on this site for educational and non-profit purposes is encouraged and may be done so with attribution by acknowledging the source of information which is www.freespiritflow.com. A hyperlink back to this site is standard when referencing written content in an online format.

Your privacy
I follow the “Golden Rule” when it comes to information exchange. That means you can trust the information you share with me (in email, contact forms, comments, content contribution, newsletter subscriptions) will be honoured and respected. I never resell your information to third parties, and that’s a promise.

Views and opinions expressed in this website are made for and by Nel the Hippogryph (Nela Hasakova) for no other reason than to expand experience and knowing (although, entertainment-value is also a plus). Personal opinions expressed here and in correspondence are, well…personal. In the end, interpretations of any sort are strictly your own responsibility.

Agreeing to Terms
Your use of this site indicates your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. www.freespiritflow.com (Nela Hasakova/Nel the Hippogryph) reserves the right to vary these terms and conditions at any time.

The information on this site is subject to change without notice. The site is continually being updated, so the information contained within may not be accurate, current or complete.