Aron Gadd



 meet 3
Fine artist, meditation Teacher & Healer

Andover, Hampshire, UK


Aron Gadd is an artist, specialising in highly detailed pet portraits, with over 25 years experience in producing lifelike drawings of family pets, horses and country homes. Aron produces his animal portraits in artist’s quality coloured pencils. His palette consists of around 95 colours, and a finished picture looks rather like watercolour but with greater depth and detail.


To create his animal portraits Aron spends some time with his subjects, gaining their confidence and discussing with the owner the composition of the painting and the particular image they are looking for.

Aron’s sympathetic and unique interpretation of equestrian subjects has prompted commissions of Desert Orchid, Grand National winners, Red Rum, Aldaniti and West Tip, and Carnival, a polo pony owned by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales.

An animal portrait is a wonderful way to remember a treasured member of the family, and can be a unique and personal gift for a loved one that will be a joy for years to come.

Now he has  moved into drawing people portraits as well! 🙂


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When I look at Aron’s paintings I feel the personality of the animal coming out of the portrait. It takes my breath away; without a doubt it’s possible to perceive the life within.

Drawing an object is great art, and drawing a friend with a soul is an extraordinary spiritual art. Our recent meeting in Andover (UK) only confirmed my first impression, with or without words it was the same; integrity in every vibe. See our interview below”:


Hi, Aron and welcome to our creative site. Being a professional artist you have developed a unique style that produces highly-detailed compositions of animals. Knowing about your spiritual background and going through your cheerful drawings, I wonder: Could you say which of your spiritual practices genuinely connect you with your passion?


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Without doubt, meditation has helped me improve as an Artist. When we quiet the mind, we can see what is really there, and not our judgements about things. I no longer think much about what I am doing, I just let go, and watch the drawing happen seemingly on its own.   This takes the “work” out of drawing and things flow. I don’t draw a “Dog” or a “Horse” I draw patterns of light and shade, colour and texture, and the picture draws itself.
Meditation also give me the patience to be happy at whatever stage the picture is at. I don’t rush to get it finished, I stay with the now and I am at peace.


Would you say why have you chosen paining as your main area?




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I was very lucky from an early age to be able to draw well. In my teens I wanted to be an artist, but when I left school, I was shepherded into an engineering career. After 6 years I decided to leave and follow my dream.
In parallel with this, I was very interested in spirituality and read everything I could. I had a mystical experience when I was about 12 and this sparked a deep yearning to understand why we are here. My Art career and my spirituality are equally important to me but they seem to go in phases. At the moment I do more art, but who knows? Soon the spiritual may take over again.


Would you please specify the area of healing you currently offer? Who would benefit from your practice?



Aron-Nela Logo 2I just call what I do “Healing.” I don’t follow any particular system or style. In fact I do very little, I just go into the silence, open up and allow the intelligence of the Universe take over and do what’s necessary. Healing can have a positive effect on any illness. The results depend on how open the person is who needs healing. Sometimes the results are dramatic, sometimes there seems to be no physical effect but the person’s sense of well-being is improved. Healing can often work best on problems that people have had for many years but will not get better. Healing can kick-start our body’s own healing processes.


Is there something that you would like to draw, but you haven’t or couldn’t yet?




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Again, I am lucky that there is nothing that I cannot draw, but I am most interested in animals. My work is determined by who commissions me. I would like to draw a wide variety of dogs but because of the British culture it seems the people who can afford my work are mostly interested in gundogs, so I draw a great deal of Labradors and Springers etc. There are over 400 breeds of dog so it would be nice to have a Weimaraner or a Chow Chow every now and then.

Many good things in life come for free. Makes different when we do see them and appreciate them in our day to day life… Would you share what kind of free and natural aspect you appreciate in your life?



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Relax, Trust, Shine

  Thank you, Aron for your time and sharing
             /summer 2012/

More related links nd information to Aron’s meditation & healing practice:
CD Learn to Meditate

Aron Gadd has studied meditation, healing and spiritual subjects for over 25 years, was a founder member of Andover Healing Centre and also healed at “Navajo” in Whitchurch, Hants. Opening himself to an infinite source of creativity he became an inspirational teacher and above all a professional artist who specialises in Pet and Animal Portraiture.

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“The very first time I listened to Aron’s teaching was actually through his practical and easy-to- understand ‘Learn to Meditate’ CD. For a beginner such as myself, to be at peace with my ‘rebelling’ mind was a huge relief.
Nonetheless any regular practitioner can benefit from listening to his message; a guiding light through the illusion to the point of realising who we truly are. This meditation recording is exceptional for its natural flow and genuine help. Aron’s teaching is truly a harmonious way of living to our full potential and expanding our awareness.


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